Ujvala Consultants Private Limited is a company registered in India and is subject to the legal jurisdiction only of India and to the Courts in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. (P.S: Bengluru is also known as Bangalore)
Any visitor to this website is deemed to have voluntarily entered the Cyber Space of India and interacted with Ujvala Consultants at Bengaluru.
No personal data is collected on this website except machine collected anonymous information about visitors by the hosting company. Any further contact would be on e-mail or phone directly with the Company officials.
Any advice provided by Ujvala Consultants is to the best of its ability and in good faith. No legal warranty is intended.
Advice provided if any is not to be construed as legal advice.
Ujvala is registered under GST with the GSTN: 29AAACU1752C1ZL
Ujvala has conducted a risk analysis both for Information Security in general and also for DPDPA compliance. Based on thee analysis reasonable security practices have been initiated.
On the basis of an analysis and assurance provided, FDPPI has been provided with certification under ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 by an accredited ISO audit agency.
Ujvala has also received ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates