Ujvala Consultants Private Limited is the corporate entity that owns the digital assets of Naavi such as the portals Naavi.org, cyberlawcollege.com, ceac.in, odrglobal etc.
Ujvala is focussed on providing education through Cyber Law College related to Information Technology Act 2000 of India, HIPAA, GDPR, Indian Personal Data Protection Act, Dubai DPL2020, Singapore PDPA 2012 etc.
As a supporting and Sponsoring member of FDPPI, Ujvala provides infrastructure support to FDPPI for its day to day operations and also through Cyber Law College provides facilities for running various training programs leading to Certification under FDPPI.
Ujvala works through Associate Consultants, one of whom is Naavi (Na.Vijayashankar) himself, who is also the Managing Director of the Company.